900 key programmer Key Programmer is Hand-held OBD2 key
programmer. SKP-900 Key Programmer can support almost all cars in the world,
such as Ford, Land Rover, Chrysler, Jeep, Toyota ,
Nissan, Honda, Mitsubishi, Hyundai, Kia, and so on
The first
thing to do is start your computer, and visit the official website of the
product manufacture SuperOBD.
Second, create an account of the
website. The update file of skp
900 key programmer can only be downloaded by members of the website. It only takes a few
minutes to register. If you already are a member of the website, skip the step.
Third, click
“Download” and then “My updates”, and find the update bin file in your member
centre.You can also do it in another way. Click “Download”, and then “Common
files”, and then find the update file in that page, as shown below:Forth,
download the file and depresse it.Fifth, connect SKP-900 key programmer to the computer where you store
the download file, find the depressed file, and click “Update” button to start
the upgrading procedure.The procedure will takes about 38 minutes or so. We
have tested it for several times. So please do not disconnect the internet or
the car key programmer while updating. If the update is finished,
you will see a windown like this: